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Hello mates, has been a long time since my last post. I would like to rejoin you and show you some models I built. Due to "space restrictions" I mainly choose HO-scale models - a scale not so often seen here on DHS. To all you 1/50 customizes: I really admire your work! For my self, I will mostly stick to the poly styrene market... Most of you will think of the Bagger 288 or maybe the big DEMAG and O&K shovels when you hear "German Equipment". But there have been quite small companies like the Swabian KAELBLE or MENCK from my hometown of Hamburg, which realy built high quality equipment. Those companies were able to provide machines to customers on a internationel base, but were just too small to cope with industrial giants like CAT or Komatsu. So lets start with my favourite company MENCK. Here is a customized M154, based on a kibri kit. Its a machine simalar to the last 10 rope machines MENCK built in 1978 and dilivered to Bilfinger & Berger for deep foundation contracts. There is a demolition contractor from Augsburg, Werner Luff, running his business mostly an MENCKS swinging drop balls. His oldest unit is from 1936 (!), still earning her money. They are incredible tuff machines! M154003 by FatCatGotHot M154001 by FatCatGotHot M154005 by FatCatGotHot
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As the kibri tracks are much too toy.like, I had to make a set of new ones. They are static, but look functional in my eyes. M154Unterwagen by FatCatGotHotCheers, Max
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Here is a M154 from the 60ies doing her business for Werner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWvacxxACz8Have fun! Max
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back in 95 i used to get up early every saturday and drive to the only local hobby shop that had kibri models. i only have a few left but i had quite a lot. after buying more or less every earth moving model they had i bought my first 1/50 model. a joal cat 920. that lead me into 1/50. i still buy 1/87 now and then but the kibri models are priced much higher now. i do miss building them but my eyes and hands can no longer assemble the small parts. your crane looks like its off to a great start. i had the shovel version . brian
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Hi Brian, yes, the small parts in 1/87 can be very challenging! On this MENCK, I was working on a tiny wheel - after half an hour of hard work it went "PIEEEW" of the tweezers. Needed a break then. Found it two weeks later dusting my room. And here is the finished M154, weathered with oil paint, lighter gasoline and chalks. The 60 ton class machine is powred by an 165 HP DEUTZ V8. Swinging the ball it should use about 2,5 gallons of Diesel an hour. M154011 by FatCatGotHot M154010 by FatCatGotHot M154013 by FatCatGotHot M154014 by FatCatGotHotCheers, Max
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Very nice model now. Good work with those small parts.
-Ethan Collection 8/2/2016For more of the Diorama and my collection: On Facebook or On YouTube
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Nice job.
We rally round the family, with a pocket full of shells.....
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Thanks for the kind comments! This is such a great forum and I'm glad to join you. MENCK also built some very decent electric quarry shovels - in fact this company was one of the most important suppliers in Europe. The conditions in our quarries are quite tuff, as just very basic preblasting was possible and the shovels had to work in proximity of high walls. Before bulldozers started to enter the quarries, these shovels were our true ripping machines. One of the biggest MENCKs was the model EN, a 230 ton, 6.3 cubic yard shovel. MENCK ENMENCK EN prototypeSmaller 165 ton DN at a high wallBecouse of the high and dangerous walls, these quarry shovels had an extreme robust undercarriage, built short and high. We are talking about 90 tons of weight for the EN undercarriage. I simply had to start a scratch built - and it is still a long way to go: MENCK_EN002 by FatCatGotHot MENCK_EN001 by FatCatGotHot EN_Loeffel_017 by FatCatGotHotHave a good time and thanks for watching! Max
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German heavy metal. I was thinking Rammstein but was pleasantly surprised another person that collects HO . Great crawler crane Max. Please keep us posted . There are a few of us on DHS that collect 1/87.
“A tiger doesn't lose sleep over the opinion of sheep.” ― Shahir Zag
" An educated mind learns from his mistakes and corrects them. A dolt, on the other hand, lashes out and continues showing his ignorance." -Unknown
“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”― Arthur C. Clarke "Anti-social behavior is a trait of intelligence in a world full of conformists" - Nikola Tesla
" If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur ". Paul Neal "Red" Adair {Wild Well Firefighter for those who live under rocks}
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Hi HD41, I'm glad there is a small HO-crew here on DHS. I've noticed your customs - do you have a steel mill related background? I remeber your slag carrier and other stuff you built. I'm in a Ho-scale modeller team and there is an steel mill lay out. The electric MENCK shovels were often used for digging still smoking hot slag at the dump sites, here is a 165 ton DN: DN digging hot slag at the dump
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Mr. Scholz wrote:Hi HD41, I'm glad there is a small HO-crew here on DHS. I've noticed your customs - do you have a steel mill related background? I remeber your slag carrier and other stuff you built. I'm in a Ho-scale modeller team and there is an steel mill lay out. The electric MENCK shovels were often used for digging still smoking hot slag at the dump sites, here is a 160 ton DN: http://www.ighb.de/index.php?SideID=1283 No ,never worked in the steel industry. Have always been fascinated by steel mill equipment.From rolling mill equipment to ladle carriers. Love Menck shovels & cranes. Rough tough damn near bullet proof piece of equipment. Although I never had the chance nor qualified to operate Menck equipment during my working career. Always a dirt guy... How long have you been working on building your shovel ? Very impressive scratch build.
“A tiger doesn't lose sleep over the opinion of sheep.” ― Shahir Zag " An educated mind learns from his mistakes and corrects them. A dolt, on the other hand, lashes out and continues showing his ignorance." -Unknown “Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”― Arthur C. Clarke "Anti-social behavior is a trait of intelligence in a world full of conformists" - Nikola Tesla " If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur ". Paul Neal "Red" Adair {Wild Well Firefighter for those who live under rocks}
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I started in 2013/14 by researching the net for pictures. There is an EN in Austria in an open pit museum, further I found spec sheet scans. After realizing that I had all important measurements, I decided to have a go and just started. It's not a full-time project, every now and thand I do a little, maybe since 1,5-2 years.
The main motivation is indeed the goal of a RC 1/16 scale model. I just love the fact that this shovel runs on three electric motors - no need for expensive scale hydraulics. As I have no opportunity to start the RC model in the moment, I decided to built an HO from plastic to learn as much about this machine as possible.
Near my town of Karlsruhe is an interest group for classic machinery and we were able to purchase the original company archive from MENCK. As I recieved the original drawings for the EN, I realized that my HO model is about 90% correct - but still a long way to go.
HD41, were do you come from? I appreciate that you are familiar with the long gone name of MENCK. Cheers,
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Mr. Scholz wrote:I started in 2013/14 by researching the net for pictures. There is an EN in Austria in an open pit museum, further I found spec sheet scans. After realizing that I had all important measurements, I decided to have a go and just started. It's not a full-time project, every now and thand I do a little, maybe since 1,5-2 years.
The main motivation is indeed the goal of a RC 1/16 scale model. I just love the fact that this shovel runs on three electric motors - no need for expensive scale hydraulics. As I have no opportunity to start the RC model in the moment, I decided to built an HO from plastic to learn as much about this machine as possible.
Near my town of Karlsruhe is an interest group for classic machinery and we were able to purchase the original company archive from MENCK. As I recieved the original drawings for the EN, I realized that my HO model is about 90% correct - but still a long way to go.
HD41, were do you come from? I appreciate that you are familiar with the long gone name of MENCK. Cheers,
Max Again there are a few guys on this forum that have made from scratch 1/16 scale equipment. One amazing walking dragline,truck cranes,crawler cranes etc. A plethora of equipment in their spare time. Kerst comes to mind right away. Mind blowing Manitowoc 4600 crawler crane. I think it's 1/16 but not sure. Honestly don't know how these guys pull off the detail. Master craftsmanship on these working models. I'm from the US Max . By no means a Menck expert but I like the different equipment. You-Tube offers equipment from around the world in the comforts of home. That coupled to the folks on this forum who share all sorts of equipment. Over all a good bunch of collectors on this forum. Went back to collecting my passion. HO model trains.
“A tiger doesn't lose sleep over the opinion of sheep.” ― Shahir Zag " An educated mind learns from his mistakes and corrects them. A dolt, on the other hand, lashes out and continues showing his ignorance." -Unknown “Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”― Arthur C. Clarke "Anti-social behavior is a trait of intelligence in a world full of conformists" - Nikola Tesla " If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur ". Paul Neal "Red" Adair {Wild Well Firefighter for those who live under rocks}
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Yes, the net is such a great source for information. Guess what? As I researched for old MENCK quarry shovels, I stumbled across a quite revolutianary machine for it's time - the BUCYRUS 120-B. What a leap forward it was in 1925! I was able to purchase an sales catalogue from 1930 and that is an amazingly well-built shovel for sure. But back to our classic German companies - like KAELBLE. Till the 60s, they had a blacksmith forging the complicated protoype parts for vehicles in development. KAELBLE trucks were flawless, heavy duty built - like an old MACK or AUTOCAR maybe. Just the ideal base for the snow plow of my dreams. Had to kit-bash four different kits from kibri, WIKING and Preiser to get it done. KAELBLE003 by FatCatGotHot KAELBLE002 by FatCatGotHotFactory shot just after the paint booth: KAELBLE004 by FatCatGotHotCheers, Max
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And thats the plow all-weathered. I'm not into military scale modelling, but the tips and tricks develoed by those guys for making a new machine looking old are just great. KAELBLE KDV 22 -40 tons on 3 axles, 19L V8 bi-turbo Diesel with 300HP. The strongest of our trucks in the 50ies - 60ies. KAELBLE Schneepflug 6 by FatCatGotHotI'm voting for a DUEL remake with this truck! KAELBLE Schneepflug 10 by FatCatGotHotCheers, Max
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Hi Max,
Love the trucks ! I was impressed so much started learning more about them.
Are you familiar with The 1/87 vehicle club website ? Talented 1/87 vehicle builders .
“A tiger doesn't lose sleep over the opinion of sheep.” ― Shahir Zag
" An educated mind learns from his mistakes and corrects them. A dolt, on the other hand, lashes out and continues showing his ignorance." -Unknown
“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”― Arthur C. Clarke "Anti-social behavior is a trait of intelligence in a world full of conformists" - Nikola Tesla
" If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur ". Paul Neal "Red" Adair {Wild Well Firefighter for those who live under rocks}
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Years ago, I saw an KDV22 E dumptruck at an french gravel and concrete plant. As usual for the KDV22 dump trucks, it's equipped with the natural aspirated V8 rated @ 240HP. The turbocharged 300HP V8 was mainly used for the prime movers. Here you can see the old beaten up KAELBLE: http://www.hansebubeforum.de/showtopic.php?threadid=3347&pagenum=1#323754The very same truck disappeard for some years - only to be presented at bauma 2016 in fully restored condition. The guys from Meiller tippers did an awesome job: http://www.baumaschinenbilder.de/forum/thread.php?postid=894031#post894031Probably you can consider the KDV22 as an German counterpart to the MACK B81 SX. Cheers, Max
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Now something very classic - maybe not as big and strong as the KAELBLE, but still a very tuff truck: Mercedes LS2628. The classic workhorse in many countries of Africa. And, as far I have heard from some guys from the Mercedes truck factory, still in prouction in the middle east. Engine-wise nothing spectacular: An inline 12,5 L six cylinder NA with 240 HP or turbocharged with 280 HP (Yeah!). These trucks often are overloaded in an almost insane way. But if the tractors gets the rig moving - it's just fine. Uff! MB_2628_009 by FatCatGotHot MB_2628_010 by FatCatGotHot MB LS 2628 002 by FatCatGotHot MB_2628_007 by FatCatGotHotCheers, Max
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